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Wax Care Tips

Please read the information below prior to booking your wax appointment in order to achieve best results! Refer back to this page anytime for post wax tips as well following your appointment.


-oral & topical antibiotics must be discontinued for two weeks prior to waxing treatment

-NO waxing for those on Accutane-must discontinue use for one year prior 


-exfoliate the morning of your wax with salt or sugar scrub (salt for dry, rough, or acneic skin/sugar for sensitive skin)


-you may take pain reliever one hour prior to your appointment if desired


-avoid caffeine the day of your appointment


-wear loose clothing the day of your appointment to avoid irritating the skin following wax treatment & delaying the healing process


-do not apply moisturizer prior to your appointment


-do not shave prior to waxing appointment


-avoid sun exposure and tanning beds 48 hours before (and after!) your appointment.


-for facial waxing, avoid chemical peels one week prior to any waxing treatment


-hair should be at least 1/2 of an inch long (about two weeks of hair growth) before waxing.


-it is okay to get waxing during pregnancy and menstrual cycle, but keep in mind, skin may be more sensitive!




for 24 hours after any waxing or until ALL redness has subsided:


-avoid prolonged sun exposure


-avoid deodorant for underarm waxing


-avoid cosmetics and perfumes for facial waxing


-avoid chemical peels for one week following your appointment


-avoid exercise as sweating and oils can clog pores and disrupt the healing process


-take only lukewarm baths and showers as heat can cause more irritation to the already sensitive skin



maintenance and avoiding ingrown hairs:


-do not shave between waxes


-exfoliate in the shower twice to three times per week. after your regular cleanse-avoiding harsh soaps-with an all natural salt or sugar scrub


-moisturize! skin must stay hydrated. the best way is through a body butter as to not clog pores and to act as a protector to keep your body's natural oils in the skin


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